UCT student who created a solution to Cape Town water crises dies.

Port Elizabeth – 24 year old UCT student, Nkosinathi Nkomo has reportedly died after he fell from the fifth floor of the Upper East Hotel in Cape Town.

Nkomo’s close friends and family have shown grief at his unexpected passing.

The inventor had gained prominence after creating a grey water sytem to help solve the water crises in the city. Nkomo’s innovative system takes used water from bath tubs and basins, and filters the liquid to be used for irrigation. 

The civil engineering student, who had his studies on hold due to a lack of funding, had raised enough money at the time of his death to return to UCT next year.

The community at Diepkoof Soweto say that they are stunned by his death as he was a committed young man who strived to help others around him.

Western Cape Police spokesperson Lieutenant – Colonel Andre Traut had reported that no foul play has been suspected and an inquest case for investigation purposes was required. 

– Global Brand Media 

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